FIBA Coach Education GENERAL
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Cooperation With The Low Post - Dusko Vujosevic
The Importance of Speed And Stance In Basketball - Francesco Cuzzolin
3X3 Basketball - Anthony Corban
3x3 Basketball - Regan Kama
Approach to Coaching - Boza MaljkovicÂ
Are You Sure We Teach the Shooting - Holger GeschwindnerÂ
BC Red Star Practice During Competition Period - Dejan RadonjicÂ
Big Man Practice - Zan Tabak
Big Man Workout - Juan Antonio OrengaÂ
Big Men Workout - Vlade Djurovic OKK BeogradÂ
Building a Youth National Program - Andrea CapobiancoÂ
Building the Team - Svetislav Pesic
Coach and player development - Patrick MutomboÂ
Communication in Basketball - Evangelos Vangelis AngelouÂ
Conditioning Drills and Skills - Kennedy HamiltonÂ
Develop Players' Decision Making - Allison McNeillÂ
Developing the Systems and Principles of Play - Gordon McLeodÂ
Developing Young Guards - Arik ShivekÂ
Developing your club system - Rosas GerssonÂ
Development Of Basketball In Spain - Ana Belen
Drills for guards - Igor KokoskovÂ
Drills For Improvement Of Play - Dusan Ivkovic
Drills for Shooting, Passing and Spacing - Joacquin Ruiz LorenteÂ
Efficiency in Moving - Filip MihajlovicÂ
Experience in Coaching Top Teams - Natalia HejkovaÂ
FIBA Europe Coaching Certificate - 2018 Chemnitz Highlight film
FIBA Europe Coaching Certificate - 2018 Riga Highlight film
Footwork - Rick Carlisle Dallas MavericksÂ
Fundamental Drills - Aik Ho
Game Principles - Zach Guthrie Utah JazzÂ
Gameday shoot around - Sasa ObradovicÂ
Gran Canaria Practice - Pedro MartinezÂ
Guards individual practice shooting workout - Dimitris ItoudisÂ
How to Box Out and Rebound - Robert BauerÂ
How to create a playmaker Part 1 - Slavko TrninicÂ
How to create a playmaker Part 2 - Slavko TrninicÂ
Improve 3x3 game - Vlada DjurovicÂ
Improving the Basic Skills of Inside Players - Ganon BakerÂ
Individual Development Drills - Jama MahlalelaÂ
Individual Improvement Skills - Tara Van der VeerÂ
Individual tactics in close-out situations - Ivan RudezÂ
Individual Workout - Ganon BakerÂ
Inside Shooting - Juan Antonio OrengaÂ
Low post rules - Sito AlonsoÂ
Minimizing missmatch situations - Txus VidorretaÂ
Modern Basketball - Duško VujoševićÂ
Modern Basketball - John CalipariÂ
Moves for Centers Following Picks - Jasmin RepešaÂ
NBA Coaching Experiences - Jay Larranaga Boston CelticsÂ
NBA Locker Room - Maurizio Gherardini
NTC System of Learning Basketball - Ranko Rajovic and Milosav ReljinÂ
Offensive and Defensive Individual Footwork - Brent MatehaereÂ
Passing and Catching the Ball - Patrick MutomboÂ
Passing Skills Improvement - Luca BanchiÂ
Passing, Shooting and Competition - Torsten LoiblÂ
Perimeter Players Improvement - Mike DunlapÂ
Physical preparation in the pre-competitive period - Toni CaparrosÂ
Pick 'n' Roll Offense and Defense - Alfred Julbe and Ricard CasasÂ
Planning in Basketball - Fabrizio FratesÂ
Player Coach Relationship On and Off the Court - Ademola OkulajaÂ
Player Development - Adam Tatalovich Sacramento KingsÂ
Power exercises for developing power of first step - Tomaz BrinecÂ
Practice habits creating a competive culture - Andrej LemanisÂ
Practice in Competition Period - Ĺ˝eljko ObradovićÂ
Pre-session Practice of Panathinaikos - Dimitris Itoudis
Read and Respond P&R - Michal JezdikÂ
Rebounding - Chris LoweryÂ
Receivers Principles from Dribble Penetration - Paul GorissÂ
Set of Drills for Individual Development - Boza MaljkovicÂ
Shooting - Rick CarlisleÂ
Shooting Drills - Jim FosterÂ
Shooting Drills - Juan Orenga
Shooting for beginners, mid and high level - Richard BillantÂ
Shooting for Girls Full Court Transition Shooting Drills - Sean Fuller
Short Man Game - Kevin Boyle10:00 pm
Simple drills for developing juniors - Brendan JoyceÂ
Simplicity and Specificity Drills - Carrie Graf
Single tag offense & defense - Igor KokoskovÂ
Small Group Development Drills - Patrick MutomboÂ
Spacing & timing - Ettore MessinaÂ
Spurs Philosophy System Basics - Gregg PopovichÂ
Story of Winning Everything - Ekrem MemnunÂ
Teaching Fundamental Drills - Kennedy Hamilton
Team Managment and Team Building - Pablo Laso Real MadridÂ
Team Work - Ettore MessinaÂ
Three Point Shot - Nelson Isley
Top Basketball Drills - Ettore MessinaÂ
Transition Basketball - Nenad VucinicÂ
Transition Concept - Ekrem MemnunÂ
Transition Game - Luka PavicevicÂ
Transition Game Collaboration and Spacing - Luca BanchiÂ
Transition Game Drills - Luca BanchiÂ
Transition offense and defense - Kennedy KereamaÂ
Trends of International Basketball - Patrick Hunt
Various Drills to Improve Basketball Technique - Vlade Djurovic
Water break drills - Scott BrooksÂ
Young Leader's perspective on the Youth Leadership Seminar - Ruby AngÂ